Shipping Regulations

Fuel meters required in Dutch ports


From January 1, 2026, the use of a bunker measurement system for bunker vessels will be mandatory in the ports of Antwerp-Bruges and Rotterdam. The move is to address-standing concerns over cheating and short deliveries. Currently 40 out of 170 bunker vessels are equipped with a measurement system.

Find out more


Polar Code may need updating


A new report published in the NPJ suggests that the polar code may have to be expanded. With the number of Arctic shipping days increasing by 12% annually, experts are recommending additional metrics be added to the polar code.

Read more about the trends and recommendations


Pilot transfer arrangements reminder


The AMSA has issued a new marine notice reminding ship owners, operators, masters and crews that all pilot transfer arrangements must comply with Marine Order 21. This follows a number of pilots’ lives being put at risk where a man rope parted, or its securing point has failed and several incident reports on safety issues.

Read the Marine Notice
